Costa Rica is a Central American country. Bordered on the north by Nicaragua and Panama to the southeast. Its territory is bordered on the east by the Caribbean Sea, which has maritime borders with the Republic of Nicaragua and the Republic of Colombia, and west by the Pacific Ocean. Its capital, political and economic center is San Jose. The official language is Spanish.
General Information
Presidential democracy
Capital City
San Jose
The primary language of Costa Rica is Spanish. Persons engaged in tourism also speak English.
The three main religious groups in Costa Rica are Catholics (69% of the population), Protestants (13%) and Buddhist (2%), though people without religion (atheists, agnostics, etc.).
Costa Rica’s currency is the colon (CRC). It’s easy to find ATMs, even in smaller cities. All payments with credit cards usually carry a commission. All banks exchange dollars, and some, euros and pounds. Most banks and exchange offices change traveler’s checks with a commission of 1-3%.
110v , 60Hz
Visas for Costa Rica
Citizens of the European Union and countries like Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, USA, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico and Uruguay do not require visas for stays up to 90 days. For more information click here.
Costa Rica is located in the tropics, so you must be prepared for high temperatures and rain during almost all year. In the Pacific the temperature is usually between 28 and 38 degrees Celsius, while in the Caribbean zone temperature is usually around 30 degrees Celsius. In the Pacific region the humidity is low (dry weather) while on the Caribbean coast the humidity is high throughout the year. In the central area of the country, temperatures vary between 22 and 28 degrees Celsius. Those wishing to visit mountainous areas should be aware that temperatures can fall to 7 degrees Celsius. Costa Rica has significant climatic variations. The highlands are cold, while the forest is cool. San Jose enjoys an eternal spring. On the Pacific coast the weather is very hot throughout the year. The best time to visit the country is during the dry season that runs from December to April.
Banks are open Monday to Friday from. Restaurants Monday to Saturday from, some only at night. Offices and shops are open Monday to Friday from and Saturday from.
New Year, Easter, Juan Santamaria Day (April 11th), Labor Day (May 1st), Mother’s Day (August 15th), Independence Day (September 15th), Columbus Day (October 12th), Christmas (December 25th).